An Orthodontist’s Response to Orthotropics & the Mew Philosophy
There has been a lot of recent attention given to Orthotropics – a label established by John Mew in Great Britain in the 1980s. As leading Grand Rapids, MI, orthodontists, we felt it would be appropriate to share our thoughts on the Orthotropic outlook and our responses to some of the recent hype given to the topic.
What Can You Not Eat With Braces?
One of the most frustrating things for our patients is not being able to eat their favorite foods while wearing braces. Yes, when you have ceramic or metal braces or from our Grand Rapids orthodontists, you always have to be careful with the wires and brackets on your teeth. To help you make the best decisions (and keep your braces in good shape), here’s what you can’t eat with braces.
Pros and Cons of Invisalign® Aligners
Our Grand Rapids Invisalign® orthodontists can help you straighten teeth in as little as 12 to 18 months with clear aligners. Like the name suggests, Invisalign consists of nearly invisible plastic aligners that fit directly over your top and bottom teeth. Over the course of your treatment, you’ll wear an entire customized series of aligners designed to move your teeth little by little into a straight smile.
How Long Does it Take for Invisalign® to Work?
Have questions about Invisalign® treatment? You’ve come to the right place! Our Grand Rapids Invisalign orthodontists understand that you’re anxious to improve the appearance of your smile. Yet, it’s important that you don’t rush the Invisalign process by skipping any steps.
When Should My Child See An Orthodontist
Our Grand Rapids, MI orthodontists understand that you may be cautious about investing in years of orthodontic treatment for your child. However, starting orthodontic treatment at the right age can help you save money in the long run and ensure your child is able to achieve their best smile. Continue reading to learn when your child should see an orthodontist.
Why You Need Retainers after Braces and Invisalign®
Straight teeth are possible to achieve but whether they stay that way is another story. To prevent what’s known as orthodontic relapse, our Grand Rapids orthodontists will give you a custom-made orthodontic retainer to wear once you’re done with either braces or Invisalign® clear aligners.
5 Benefits of Ceramic Braces for Teens
Our Grand Rapids orthodontists understand that not everyone feels comfortable with highly visible metal on their teeth. That’s why we provide patients with the option of ceramic braces. These nearly invisible braces consist of clear, tooth-colored brackets and wires so you can smile with confidence during orthodontic treatment. Whether your child has crooked teeth or significant issues with bite alignment, ceramic braces can help.
How to Care for Invisalign® Clear Aligners
Wish you could straighten teeth without braces? Like the name suggests, clear aligners from our Invisalign® Grand Rapids, MI, orthodontists are nearly invisible plastic trays that gradually move teeth into a beautiful, healthy smile. Invisalign is a great alternative to traditional braces, especially if you think you would feel self-conscious with metal on your teeth. However, you will have to care for your clear aligners differently…
5 Orthodontic Treatment Issues You Can Fix at Home
If you’ve damaged your teeth braces, you might not need to schedule an appointment with one of our orthodontists. Many issues that come up during orthodontic treatment can be resolved at home with wax, tweezers, and nail clippers. Continue reading to learn how to resolve tooth pain, cheek irritation, broken braces brackets, and more. Our desk staff is also available to answer any questions you might have between appointments.
5 Myths About Orthodontic Treatment
Our Grand Rapids, MI, orthodontists are often surprised by some of the myths that prevent people from getting the smile they’ve always wanted. Above all else, we want you to know the facts about straightening your teeth before choosing metal braces, ceramic braces, or clear aligners. Here are 5 myths about orthodontic treatment debunked to give you confidence about scheduling that first appointment.
Will Braces Change How I Look
Both metal and ceramic braces move crooked teeth into better alignment, but that’s not all they can do. Orthodontic treatment courtesy of our Grand Rapids, MI, orthodontists can also correct any bite issues you may have as well as help bring your jaw forward (or back) for a better profile. Here are 4 ways braces can change how you look and help you smile with confidence.
What Happens at Your First Orthodontic Appointment
Choosing to pursue orthodontic treatment offers a lifelong benefit to your oral health. Straighter teeth are not only more aesthetically pleasing, but they’re also easier to clean and maintain. However, it can be intimidating to see our Grand Rapids orthodontists for the first time.
Should You Choose Braces or Invisalign®
Invisalign, ceramic braces, and metal braces are all options for patients who want to improve the appearance of their smiles. In this blog post, we will go over the differences between braces and Invisalign so you can feel informed during your first consultation with a Grand Rapids orthodontist.
How is Adult Orthodontic Treatment Different
Have you ever felt self-conscious about crooked teeth or experienced pain from a misaligned bite? If so, you owe it to yourself to ask about orthodontics for adults. While most of our patients are children and teenagers, we are still able to straighten adult teeth with beautiful results. It’s never too late to fix your smile.
How Long Will I Have to Wear Orthodontic Braces
Our Grand Rapids orthodontists often get asked by patients how long they’ll have to have metal or ceramic braces on their teeth. It’s a fair question, though the amount of time someone will be wearing braces depends heavily on several factors that are unique to that person.
Why We Use Orthodontic Elastics (Rubber Bands)
What purpose do those little orthodontic rubber bands have besides popping up in random spots throughout your house years after treatment? If you or your child has recently started wearing rubber bands, this blog post will help you understand the latest development in your orthodontic treatment.
Why It's Never Too Late For Adult Braces
Did you miss out on having braces when you were a child or teenager? It’s never too late to straighten your smile, which is why your general dentist may recommend you see our Grand Rapids orthodontists for adult braces.
Invisalign® FAQ's
If you have ever felt self-conscious about crooked teeth, you owe it to yourself to schedule an appointment with an Invisalign orthodontist. An orthodontist has the necessary education and experience to properly move teeth in optimal alignment.
4 Reasons to Choose Orthodontists over Dentists
There are many dentists that offer orthodontic services to their patients. However, they don’t offer the same expertise as orthodontists. While a dentist may focus on your overall oral health, orthodontists focus solely on correcting bites and aligning teeth.
Differences Between Orthodontists and Dentists
It’s not uncommon for general dentists to offer orthodontic services to their patients. However, family dentists can’t offer the same level of expertise as orthodontists for Invisalign, metal braces, ceramic braces, and more. While both dentists and orthodontists take care of your teeth and gums, they play different roles.
How Much Do Braces Cost?
When you’re first considering metal or ceramic braces for yourself or your child, it can be hard to find immediate answers online. For a personalized estimate of orthodontic treatment, you’ll need to schedule a consultation with our Grand Rapids orthodontists. The cost of braces and orthodontic treatment as a whole can be difficult to predict without an oral exam because each patient’s needs are so different.
How do Ceramic Braces Differ from Traditional Braces?
Would you like to feel more confident when you smile, but don’t want to wear metal braces for months or years on end? We understand that some of our patients can be uncomfortable with the idea of everyone staring at their teeth, which is why we sometimes recommend clear braces treatment.
When Should I Take my Child to the Orthodontist?
How soon is too soon for children to go to the orthodontist? This is a question our Grand Rapids orthodontists get asked all the time, and the answer depends on the child. There is a window of opportunity while the child’s jaws are still growing when we can help correct crowding teeth and other dental issues. However, some issues can also be corrected in a few years once the child is older.
What Does an Orthodontist Do?
An orthodontist is a special kind of dentist that corrects misaligned teeth for optimal smile and bite. In other words, orthodontists are responsible for helping patients achieve their best smile. In this blog post, we will explain what orthodontists doand what kinds of patients benefit most from their treatment. For further information on the benefits of orthodontics, we recommend you consult with an Grandville orthodontist in your area.
Increase Self-Confidence with Invisalign® Aligners
Your smile tells your story before you even say a word and can give others insight into how you view yourself. For example, if you cover your mouth when laughing or almost always smile with your mouth closed, this might indicate that you feel insecure about your teeth. Our Grand Rapids Invisalign® orthodontists are here to change that.
6 Reasons to Choose Invisalign® Instead of Braces
Some people aren't aware of the new alternative to braces for getting perfectly straight teeth. Invisalign is a cutting-edge technology that uses clear aligners to fix crowding, bite imperfections, and spacing issues. If you're considering getting braces, check out these six reasons why you may want to choose Invisalign instead.
How Oral Hygiene, Orthodontics, & Your Overall Health Relate
A beautiful smile is more than just an aesthetic asset; it’s a reflection of your overall health. While most people understand the importance of oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups, fewer realize how treatment from our Grand Rapids, MI, orthodontists comes into play.
How Invisalign® Compares to Traditional Braces
At first glance, Invisalign® and traditional metal braces seem similar—they both provide you with straight teeth and a stunning smile. However, our orthodontists have provided a closer inspection of the two dental treatments that reveals several key differences and significant benefits.
5 Reasons Why You Might Need Braces
Do you smile with your lips closed? Do you cover your mouth with your hand while you laugh? While many people have crooked teeth, you should see one of our Grand Rapids orthodontists if your teeth are a source of pain or embarrassment.
Orthodontic FAQ
Are you considering orthodontic treatment for either you or your child? If so, you’ve come to the right place. For your convenience, our Grand Rapids orthodontists have compiled a list of questions most commonly asked by our patients during their first visit. At Armbrecht & Wierenga Orthodontics we make sure that all our patients feel comfortable by knowing what to expect before sitting in the orthodontist’s chair.
Why Orthodontic Expanders Give You That Gap
At Armbrecht & Wierenga, our Grand Rapids Orthodontists make every attempt to avoid extracting teeth by expanding the arches when there is crowding present. Expanders work great, but there are some side effects that catch parents and patients by surprise. One of them is the appearance and disappearance of a gap between the two upper front teeth.
Where Do We Get Our Orthodontic Supplies?
At Armbrecht Wierenga Orthodontics, our Grand Rapids orthodontists get our supplies from a company that manufactures 95% of their products in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. We think it is important to supply our offices with quality orthodontic products made in the U.S.A. That’s why we value our relationship with American Orthodontics for all our supply needs. Here’s what you need to know about…
How to Care for Your Braces
Metal braces can trap a lot of food against the teeth and gums. That’s why it’s vital for you to follow the care instructions set by our Grand Rapids, MI, orthodontists. We want to make sure you have all the information you need to maintain a healthy smile during treatment. Here are a few tips that should make brushing and flossing with braces much easier whether you have metal or ceramic braces.
Invisalign® Info
Are you someone that’s concerned with the look or feel of traditional brackets and wires on your teeth? Did you know there are other options available for moving your teeth? Perhaps clear aligner therapy is right for you.
Phase 1 Treatment
Is it time to see an orthodontist? At Armbrecht & Wierenga Orthodontics, our goal is to meet your child’s needs and your desires while also achieving the highest quality results. Whenever possible, we prefer to treat our patients in one succinct phase of treatment.
Why Do I Need Orthodontics?
Are you considering orthodontics in Grand Rapids for either you or your child? For children, especially, there can be a narrow window of opportunity for optimal tooth alignment. However, at Armbrecht Wierenga Orthodontics, we have found that adults can also benefit from our orthodontic services.